Modern media trends get up to online poker! Recently, in network has information that director of the acclaimed film about the online poker called «Bet Raise Fold» took the comedy series about grinders, which “lucky”. The picture name is Luckboxes (from Eng. Lucky).
The show promises to be a bomb, because behind them are competent people, including Jason Somerville (executive producer) and Ryan Firpo, director of the same film «Bet Raise Fold».
Trailer «Luckboxes»
Luckboxes – is a story of two brothers who, having higher education and inclination towards mathematics, could not find a decent job in times of economic downturn in the US (2009). It so happened that it was the time considered the gold for online poker. They are main characters and have decided to make money, not to lose your house.
According to the authors, the picture is based on true story. The exact date release pilot the creators has not been announced yet.
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