I’m the head of security for Poker King. I was forwarded this link by one of our executives and wanted to respond.
Around two and a half weeks ago, Poker King discovered several of our affiliates (known as community heads) were on-boarding bots and players that were using assisted software.
These community heads (CH) were responsible for bringing in real players, managing cashouts/deposits/giving credit, and providing support to the players. Unfortunately, either through direct malice or careless promotion, they brought on large groups of bot accounts along with players who were running these accounts. In order to contain the bots and prevent cash outs from the offending parties, all communities in this group were frozen.We are now in the process of sorting through an extremely large amount of player hand histories, transaction data, and conducting player interviews to determine which accounts were bots, associated with bot accounts, and which accounts were playing using assisted software. We are expecting the process to take approximately another week (though it could be longer due to the shear amount of data we’re looking at) – communities and players will be notified as they are processed.
Once the process is completed, real players (i.e. not bots) who have not participated in collusion or collaborative play will be able to get their money back. In all cases though, these communities will be closed and the accounts will no longer be able to used for play. This is to prevent further abuse by bot rings to abuse the cash out privileges afforded to this group of communities.
Poker King was started by players who love this game. The team is committed to keep the player pool safe, bot-free, and collusion free. We apologize for the inconvenience but we believe it is an absolute necessity that the people who are behind the bots and cheating are caught, punished, and removed from the site in their entirety.
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