(10.01.2018) HOW TO DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL 6+ Holdem?


6+ Holdem is a more exciting game than the classic Texas Hold’em. Here, more hands are played and, as a rule, larger pots, because all cards from deuce to fives are removed from the deck inclusive. Due to the huge popularity of this game in Asian countries, we present to your attention the application for playing 6+ Hold’em.


It might seem to you this is a rather difficult process, however if you will follow the instructions of the example, it won’t take you longer than 10 minutes.

Important note! You need to have 64-x bit Windows!

1)  First you need to download the android emulator http://www.ldmnq.com/

2) Install emulator.

3) Than launch the emulator shortcut (lightning in the Cloud), cnange to the English. language and close the emulator:

4) If you want to play one more table you can make current copy of your  ISO

4) Download apk file of  6+ you can here.

5) Open emulator and install APK file.



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